Friday, March 2, 2012

What's been going on...

I've decided to go ahead and start blogging to keep everyone updated on whats happening and for Trav and I to have it for memories! Although after today I'm not sure I want to remember! More on that in a minute!!

So...all of you at some point in the last year or longer have ask the million dollar question..."When are y'all going to have kids?" Well, we've been trying and trying and trying. Obviously it hasn't happened. Last month we decided it was finally time to seek medical help and find out why it's not happening. I went to my Dr last month and we got a game plan. It was basically to have us both go through some test, then start fertility meds. I was SO hopeful and it NEVER occurred to me that something might be wrong. I thought we would get the testing done, everything would be great, start taking fertility meds and get pregnant.

There has seemed to be some kind of road block with every step we've taken in the last month. So frustrating and disappointing for us both. At times I just had to laugh at our luck!! Most of you know everything that's gone on this month!

To bring you up to date to today. I had to have a procedure called a hysteosalpingogram(HSG for short). It's where they inject dye into my cervix to see if it will flow into my fallopian tubes to see if there is a blockage. Sounds fun, right?? It was HORRIBLE! The Dr told me I would know if my tubes were blocked because it would be painful. Painful it was! I screamed so loud! Both tubes were blocked. He was able to unblock one tube during the procedure. Needless to say, I was upset. My game plan wasn't going as we had hoped but I am thankful to know why we haven't been able to get pregnant. And even more so to know that I have one working tube now!! Finally some answers. I'm not sure what will happen next. I will follow up with my Dr next week. The Dr today said options might be surgery to unblock the other tube or to move on to meds to stimulate my ovaries. He also mentioned that I could have endometriosis. I'm really hoping against surgery but honestly at this point I will do whatever it takes!!

I was looking at my papers today from my Dr and noticed it said "diagnoses: infertility." My heart kinda dropped right then. I know its true but for some reason seeing it in black and white made it so real. I've always feared I would be infertile. I'm not sure why but have always had that gut feeling about it. Yes, it hurts and its scary but I'm promising myself WE will get through this and it will end with us becoming parents and making our parents grandparents! So for now, we will take it day by day and hold onto hope!!! I will post more once we know what will happen next! Thanks everyone for your prayers!! It means so much to us!

****Sorry if there are typos or this post is all over the place....I'm blaming the horrible pain I'm in from that lovely procedure**** :)

Love y'all,


teetalow said...

Hang in there sweet Justin. God has a plan. I will immediately start praying for a baby fir you & Travis. I'm going to pray Jeremiah 29:11 for you & Travis.

"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope."

We love you!

Warren/Jan said...

Oh wow Justin. I feel like we are on the same path right now. Warren and I've been married for 6 yrs now Nd haven't been able to get pregnant yet either. This past year we have tried everything the Dr has suggested but nothing has worked. Our next step will to see a fertility specialist like you. I hope and pray that we both can be parents some day.

Love Jan!!

Dee Stephens said...

We've been battling IF for almost 2years now.
I did the dye test and every other test under the moon.
Everything is fine with both me and hubby.
We are gearing up for our 2nd IVF that will all go down in May. I'll pray for you if you pray for me.

Allred Family said...

Praying for you Dee!! I need to update my blog but I am starting clomid this next cycle. Hoping it works!